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i think the download is broken, for the pdf


Does anyone have the .Icp file?


It's the demo

Are there tokens for the NPC units available for this? I have plenty I can proxy but I actually quite like the designs shown in the book. 

Is there any COMP/CON data for the Exotic gear?


yep, if you turn it on in settings it will appear in compendium, or it can be found in the pilot gear page as usual.

(1 edit) (+3)

PSA: For those running Solstice Rain and unsure about how many pieces of Exotic Gear should be distributed during Downtime, this following paragraph from the playtest draft should help:

These Exotic Gear options represent advanced GMS designs that haven’t yet been approved for wider distribution, but due to the extenuating circumstances of this mission permissions have been granted for their use. The PCs can print two of these systems, three if there are 5 or more PCs, in any combination (including multiples of the same system) and distributed among themselves however they like. Additional copies can be gained as reserves (see the next section for more information).

Paraphrasing from the Pilot NET Discord, the author doesn’t know why this paragraph was cut, and fully intended it to be included in the final release. My guess is that it was cut by accident.


Alright little question: so I've been (trying to, at least) on the encounter tool-kit of comp/con, doing each npcs/encounters/missions and it took me my entire afternoon and I'm not even half done. Is there an .lcp files were all that is already done or do I have to continue creating all of that manually (and if it such exist OSR, is there some for the other official content). I thank you in advance.


A bit late but Im having the same issue. I looked at the other books like No Room For a Wallflower and they all specifically have premade .lcp files for the npcs.
Im guessing there arent any in this to encourage the new gm to get used to navigating Comp/Con. Either that or they got lazy which is fair enough considering how much effort they out into this.

a question I have(I'm still new to lancer and I'm trying to host a game), can I just buy and play this with my group, or do I need to have the core book too?


you can download the core book for free by going to massif press' main page

Look for the free version, it contains the rules and other essentials, but doesn't include advice/guidance for the GM as well as some other non-essential details.

my reply is a little late, but thanks!

(3 edits) (+8)

This module has excellent plug-and-play potential. It does come at the cost of an extremely barebones story, but for me that was no problem. The encounter design is also perfect for showing newcomers to Lancer how to make challenging + interesting enemy compositions, and how to set up battlemaps (something that No Room for a Wallflower notably did not all). The GMing advice for running each combat encounter is extensive and also incredibly helpful for newbies.

My biggest criticism would be that I think the encounters are tuned to be *too* difficult, considering the fact that a moderately balanced encounter in Lancer is more like a hard encounter for newbies. Since this module is clearly marketed toward newbies, I think that's an issue. But at the very least, I suppose one can learn by being thrust into the fire!

If you want to GM Lancer but you're not sure exactly how to start, this book is a must-buy.

If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean when you say "plug-and-play potential"?

(3 edits) (+2)

When I say that, I mean it's easy to take what the module gives you and change it around to fit it to a custom setting/story. It gives you the stuff you actually need to run sessions of Lancer, mainly the enemy compositions and battle maps, and just enough narrative framing for it all to make logical sense. The minimalistic story is admittedly a downside for those who want more interesting and complex roleplay in their sessions. But greater complexity means less plug-and-play, typically.


I think this is also great for beginner GMs like me who want to get into Lancer. What it lacks in narrative, it makes up for in simplicity and doesn't overwhelm me

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome. I thought that that's what you meant by  "plug-and-play," but I wanted to ask and be sure. Thanks so much for the kind response from you both!

Is there anything else for Battlegroup in here or is just the Ebro?


Just the Ebro.

N00b question: How do you display the exotic gear on COMP/CON? Can't see it on compendium.

You have to click the "show exotics" option in the comp/con settings iirc


Would love things not to be in rar format, there something wrong with zip? now I have to download a program that looks like it'll give me some virus just to extract it

(2 edits) (+5)

I assume you're talking about WinRAR? You don't actually need to use that specific program to extract .rar files. 7-Zip works as well. (I just tested this on my machine and it worked.)

You may find 7-Zip to be easier to use and safer looking. It's also totally free and doesn't show a pop-up asking you to buy a license every time you open it. (Although to WinRAR's credit, it is an extremely well-known and reputable program.)




If anyone's having trouble getting the map grids to align in Foundry, see here:

(Credit to Perijove on Pilot NET for figuring this out!)


Any chance of getting "clean" versions of the maps?  Just the art, without the terrain and cover markings?


Yes, here's a link that the artist shared on Pilot NET (publicly and freely). You might want to download copies in case this share link ever becomes inactive.




As a note to anyone using these on Foundry, they're a slightly different size so the grid settings linked above for the maps included in the main download don't work.

These aren't perfect, but they're close - just adding them here to save folks some time.
All can be done at 150 grid size, Hexagonal rows odd (this is all on a new v10 world)
Scene 1: 5850 x 4950, no offset
Scene 2: 5300 x 4450, Offset 30px horizontal, 0 vertical offset
Scene 3: 5100 x 4950, Offset -10 horizontal , 0 vertical
Scene 4: 5850 x 4900, Offset -5 H, -30 V
Scene 5: 5100 x 5050, Offset 75H -25V
Scene 6: 5325 x 4500, Offset -50H, 30V


Also note that this includes map 3 in an altered state the players can acheive through actions, not the default starting state (being vague to avoid spoilers here)


Anyone have settings for importing these maps into Foundry? Having some trouble getting the grids aligned. The hexes just don't want to play nice for me, Which is a shame because I'm really loving this module.


You know, it helps if you read the Read Me files. LOL now I feel like an idiot. Gotta say really impressed with the quality of this! Great work all around folks

(1 edit) (+6)

I give serious props to Kai for all of the awesome GM advice and tips strewn throughout this module. And to all the artists and designers for including premade maps with measurements for Foundry and roll20. This has set a very high bar for Lancer modules!


Oh that sounds fantastic thanks for leaving this comment, I’m giving this a second look because of it!


This was perfectly timed as Im getting my own group started and worried about balancing encounters for my first time running


Let's get more players into Lancer!!!!


This might be exactly what I need to feel confident giving this game a try as a GM! How many players is the module intended to support? I need to figure out how many friends I'll need to pester.


Between 3 and 5 players and one GM, though 4 is the 'Lancer standard'.


Congrats, Kai and the whole team! This has been so cool to watch unfold over the past many moons. Looking forward to digging in to this, finally.

For those asking, it says in the body of the listing that the .lcp still needs some time in the oven. Patience. Lcp files are incredibly useful, but also pretty damn finicky to make work smoothly. Glad they're ironing out the bugs for now.


Babe wake up, new Lancer module just dropped


bröther, may I have some lcp


Did you read the following?

[Editor's note: The .lcp has a little more work to do on it and should be arriving in a few days]


available now :)


where is my .lcp?

Its going to require more work, its not ready at the moment


available now :)


Dropped right before starting a new campaign. Been debating on how to start one, since it'll be my first attempt playing it. This may be the answer. Excited to see this getting more support. 


Sweet sweet LCP, I need ittt


available now :)


Ohh, new GMS? Count me in!


Please may I have some .lcp


available now :)